Kathleen was born on November 4, 1943 and passed away on Wednesday, September 6, 2017.Kathleen was a resident of Pittsfield, New Hampshire.
Richard was born on June 10, 1940 and passed away on Tuesday, September 5, 2017.Richard was a resident of Bradford, New Hampshire.
John was born on April 19, 1930 and passed away on Tuesday, September 5, 2017.John was a resident of Salisbury, Massachusetts.
Scott was born on December 23, 1966 and passed away on Tuesday, September 5, 2017.Scott was a resident of Charlestown, New Hampshire.
The family has chosen not to include an on-line obituary. While you may still order flowers and get directions to our facilities, you will need to contact our office or the family for specific service information. If you would like to add a full obituary, you may do so using the upgrade tab above.
Ryan K Smith, 42 of Manchester NH passed away on September 4, 2017 surrounded by his loving family. He was born in Winchester, MA on September 1, 1975, the beloved son of the late Roland H. Smith and Rosalie A. (Belcamino) Smith of Reading, MA. Ryan grew up in Reading and attended Reading schools. Ryan was a carpenter by trade,...
Roberta was born on August 12, 1930 and passed away on Monday, September 4, 2017.Roberta was a resident of Contoocook, New Hampshire.
Ruth (Ruthie) Burt died peacefully at the age of 91 in her sleep on September 4, 2017. She was able to remain in her Canterbury home cared for by her daughter Margaret Burt and protected by her chocolate lab Tipper. Their post and beam house built in Canterbury represented her commitment to New Hampshire craftsmen. Ruth Evangeline Kendall was born...
Ruth was born on April 22, 1922 and passed away on Monday, September 4, 2017.Ruth was a resident of Manchester, New Hampshire.
Lillian was born on October 2, 1926 and passed away on Monday, September 4, 2017.Lillian was a resident of Rochester, New Hampshire.