Donna Morra

Nov 13, 2015

Donna was born on June 7, 1962 and passed away on Friday, November 13, 2015.Donna was a resident of Nashua, New Hampshire.

Elaine (Bartlett) David

Nov 12, 2015

The family has chosen not to place an Eternal Tribute at this time.

Margaret Finn

Nov 12, 2015

The family has chosen not to include an on-line obituary. While you may still order flowers and get directions to our facilities, you will need to contact our office or the family for specific service information. If you would like to add a full obituary, you may do so using the upgrade tab above.

Bryan Costello

Nov 12, 2015

The family has chosen not to place an Eternal Tribute at this time.

Walter R. Davis

Nov 11, 2015

Walter was born on May 4, 1936 and passed away on Wednesday, November 11, 2015.Walter was a resident of Loudon, New Hampshire.

Paul Morgan

Nov 11, 2015

Paul was born on December 31, 1956 and passed away on Wednesday, November 11, 2015.Paul was a resident of Concord, New Hampshire.

Charles Robert Ashford

Nov 11, 2015

Sunapee, NH, Charles Robert "Chuck" Ashford, 83, passed away peacefully on November 11th, 2015 at the Clough Center in New London after a several years of declining health. He was the son of Thomas William and Marie (Kiessling) Ashford, born in Naugatuck, CT, on December 2nd, 1931. Charles attended Naugatuck High School, graduating from Crosby High School in Waterbury, CT....

David E. Mathes

Nov 11, 2015

David was born on March 20, 1954 and passed away on Wednesday, November 11, 2015.David was a resident of Loudon, New Hampshire.

Erika M. Donovan

Nov 11, 2015

Erika Magdalena Donovan passed away peacefully in Franconia, NH on November 11, 2015. She was 90 years old.The eldest of four and daughter of Helene (Balde) Lasutschinkow and Peter Lasutschinkow, Erika was born in Danzig, Germany on July 24, 1925. Her family later relocated to Hochstadt, Germany. While working at the Berlin Airlift, she met the love of her life,...

Christopher R. Rich

Nov 10, 2015

The family has chosen not to place an Eternal Tribute at this time.