Susan Sponenberg

Oct 30, 2014

Susan was born on March 11, 1970 and passed away on Thursday, October 30, 2014.Susan was a resident of Bow, New Hampshire.

Patricia A. Wells

Oct 29, 2014

Mrs. Wells was born on March 25, 1948 and passed away on Wednesday, October 29, 2014.Mrs. Wells was a resident of Sanbornton, New Hampshire at the time of passing.

Winifred F Pheteplace

Oct 29, 2014

Winifred was born on July 7, 1921 and passed away on Wednesday, October 29, 2014.Winifred was a resident of Exeter, New Hampshire.

Kenneth Jean Cullen

Oct 29, 2014

The family has chosen not to include an on-line obituary. While you may still order flowers and get directions to our facilities, you will need to contact our office or the family for specific service information. If you would like to add a full obituary, you may do so using the upgrade tab above.

Schuyler Snow

Oct 29, 2014

Schuyler was born on August 8, 1920 and passed away on Wednesday, October 29, 2014.Schuyler was a resident of Manchester, New Hampshire.

Keith Douglas Monmaney

Oct 29, 2014

The family has chosen not to include an on-line obituary. While you may still order flowers and get directions to our facilities, you will need to contact our office or the family for specific service information. If you would like to add a full obituary, you may do so using the upgrade tab above.

Margaret H. Harrington

Oct 29, 2014

The family has chosen not to include an on-line obituary. While you may still order flowers and get directions to our facilities, you will need to contact our office or the family for specific service information. If you would like to add a full obituary, you may do so using the upgrade tab above.

Richard Albert Drouin

Oct 28, 2014

The family has chosen not to include an on-line obituary. While you may still order flowers and get directions to our facilities, you will need to contact our office or the family for specific service information. If you would like to add a full obituary, you may do so using the upgrade tab above.

Steven Saltsman

Oct 28, 2014

Steven was born on September 3, 1940 and passed away on Tuesday, October 28, 2014.Steven was a resident of Dover, New Hampshire.

George E. Iselin

Oct 28, 2014

The family has chosen not to include an on-line obituary. While you may still order flowers and get directions to our facilities, you will need to contact our office or the family for specific service information. If you would like to add a full obituary, you may do so using the upgrade tab above.