James was born on March 11, 1934 and passed away on Thursday, October 6, 2016.James was a resident of Concord, New Hampshire.
Dianne was born on September 7, 1959 and passed away on Thursday, October 6, 2016.Dianne was a resident of Enfield, New Hampshire.
Eleanor was born on August 13, 1917 and passed away on Wednesday, October 5, 2016.Eleanor was a resident of Hanover, New Hampshire.
M/Sgt. Donald "Smokey" Nadeau, USAF (Ret.) 72, of Rochester, NH died Wednesday October 5, 2016 at the Hyder Family Hospice House in Dover, NHHe was born in Winchester, MA October 15, 1943 the son of Leslie and Helen (MacLean) Nadeau.Donald is a retired veteran of the United States Air Force, having served 20 years with many tours of duty including...
Arthur was born on August 22, 1956 and passed away on Wednesday, October 5, 2016.Arthur was a resident of Manchester, New Hampshire.
Craig was born on December 30, 1964 and passed away on Wednesday, October 5, 2016.Craig was a resident of Manchester, New Hampshire.
Alvin was born on March 4, 1929 and passed away on Tuesday, October 4, 2016.Alvin was a resident of North Walpole, New Hampshire.
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Carolee was born on December 25, 1952 and passed away on Monday, October 3, 2016.Carolee was a resident of Manchester, New Hampshire.
Frank was born on March 30, 1956 and passed away on Monday, October 3, 2016.Frank was a resident of Barrington, New Hampshire.