Margaret Elizabeth Collins

Nov 17, 2016

Margaret was born on June 27, 1943 and passed away on Thursday, November 17, 2016.Margaret was a resident of Somersworth, New Hampshire.

Madelyn E. Storms

Nov 17, 2016

The family has chosen not to include an on-line obituary. While you may still order flowers and get directions to our facilities, you will need to contact our office or the family for specific service information. If you would like to add a full obituary, you may do so using the upgrade tab above.

William John Witte

Nov 17, 2016

The family has chosen not to include an on-line obituary. While you may still order flowers and get directions to our facilities, you will need to contact our office or the family for specific service information. If you would like to add a full obituary, you may do so using the upgrade tab above.

Thomas G Locke

Nov 17, 2016

Thomas was born on February 14, 1940 and passed away on Thursday, November 17, 2016.Thomas was a resident of Center Barnstead, New Hampshire.

Morton F. Page

Nov 17, 2016

Morton was born on March 1, 1922 and passed away on Thursday, November 17, 2016.Morton was a resident of Exeter, New Hampshire.

William King Dustin

Nov 16, 2016

William was born on August 19, 1932 and passed away on Wednesday, November 16, 2016.William was a resident of Laconia, New Hampshire.

George Rowell

Nov 16, 2016

George was born on October 14, 1943 and passed away on Wednesday, November 16, 2016.George was a resident of South Sutton, New Hampshire.

Robert A. Henderson

Nov 16, 2016

Robert was born on June 20, 1945 and passed away on Wednesday, November 16, 2016.Robert was a resident of Peterborough, New Hampshire.

William Scioscia

Nov 15, 2016

William was born on June 8, 1948 and passed away on Tuesday, November 15, 2016.William was a resident of Nashua, New Hampshire.